Empower Your Future: Safeguard Your Health with an Advance Healthcare Directive

Empower Your Future: Safeguard Your Health with an Advance Healthcare Directive

Assume control over crucial choices. Don't rely on the government or hospitals to make decisions for you. Decide now and avoid trouble later.

Empower Your Future: Safeguard Your Health with an Advance Healthcare Directive

Empower Your Future: Safeguard Your Health with an Advance Healthcare Directive

Assume control over crucial choices. Don't rely on the government or hospitals to make decisions for you. Decide now and avoid trouble later.

Here's the info you'll need:

Personal Information

Include your full name, address, date of birth, and contact information.

Treatment Preferences

Clearly state your preferences regarding medical treatment options. Express your wishes regarding end-of-life care, including preferences for palliative care, pain management, and hospice care.

Healthcare Agent

Designate a trusted person as your healthcare agent or proxy who will make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to do so. Provide their full name, contact information, and alternative agents if desired.

What's an Advance Healthcare Directive? An Advance Healthcare Directive is...

What's an Advance Healthcare Directive? An Advance Healthcare Directive is...

What's an Advance Healthcare Directive? An Advance Healthcare Directive is...

An Advance Healthcare Directive is a legally binding document that outlines your preferences regarding end-of-life medical care and designates a trusted individual to make healthcare decisions in your stead if you become incapable of doing so.

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