Never has it been easier to make a cohabitation agreement before

Never has it been easier to make a cohabitation agreement before

Peace of mind as you move in with your significant other

Never has it been easier to make a cohabitation agreement before

Never has it been easier to make a cohabitation agreement before

Peace of mind as you move in with your significant other

Here's the info you'll need:

Who the cohabitators are

Your's and  your couple's name; children should be included too

How to divide expenses

Who will be in charge of an expense or bill

If there's any shared property and/or shared debt

Describe each property and/or debt in detail. 

What's a Cohabitation Agreement?

What's a Cohabitation Agreement?

What's a Cohabitation Agreement?

Taking a big step in your life such as sharing a home with your partner or significant other can bring joy but at the same time it can be uncertain and stressful. We already know the questioning this decision brings to the table. As a way to ease these feelings, a way to help you both feel more secure is thru a chobaitational agreement, in case you haven’t tied the knot, which outline the financial responsibility of each and protects each person’s property in case of a split.

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